NECEC Letter to Governor Baker in Support of Massachusetts Climate Bill
His Excellency Charles D. Baker
Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Massachusetts State House
Boston, MA 01233
Re: Northeast Clean Energy Council Support for Senate Bill 2995, An Act creating a next-generation roadmap for Massachusetts climate policy
Dear Governor Baker:
The Northeast Clean Energy Council (“NECEC”) applauds your steadfast leadership on combatting climate change and promoting clean energy. Your commitment to a clean energy transition and a net-zero greenhouse gas emissions standard has set the table for strong economic growth across our green economy. With Senate Bill 2995, the legislature has delivered an important bill that will complement your work. On behalf of the Northeast Clean Energy Council, I urge you to sign this legislation.
NECEC is a clean energy business, policy, and innovation organization whose mission is to create a world-class clean energy hub in the Northeast, delivering global impact with economic, energy and environmental solutions. NECEC is the only organization in the Northeast that covers all of the clean energy market segments, representing the business perspectives of investors and clean energy companies across every stage of development. NECEC members span the broad spectrum of the clean energy industry, including clean transportation, energy efficiency, wind, solar, energy storage, microgrids, fuel cells, and advanced and “smart” technologies.
S.2995 represents meaningful progress in addressing the Commonwealth’s contributions to climate change, codifying your prior commitment to a net-zero future, delivering effective environmental justice strategies, and moving critical sector-specific initiatives forward. As an active participant in the Global Warming Solutions Act’s Implementation Advisory Council, NECEC stands ready to work with you and your administration to implement the various measures in S.2995 to ensure its promise is delivered to the people and companies of the Commonwealth.
Peter Rothstein President
cc: Kathleen Theoharides, Secretary, Energy and Environmental Affairs