Yesterday, three developers submitted proposals to construct the first offshore wind farms in Massachusetts. These bids mark a pivotal step towards achieving the vision of last year’s landmark legislation, An...

After a successful Investor Corporate Customer Connect (ICCC) in Boston this spring, NECEC’s Cleantech Navigate Northeast (Navigate) headed to New York City on November 15 for a second round of...

Last Thursday more than 450 business leaders from the region’s clean energy industry came together at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel to celebrate NECEC’s tenth anniversary as a leading organization...

As the clean energy industry continues to make substantial progress in reducing carbon from the generation of electricity, and consumption in homes, warehouses, and other  buildings, the industry, public officials...

It’s mid-August, and that means that summer interns from the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center’s (MassCEC) award-winning program are wrapping up their projects. Some will be heading back to the classroom...

Earlier this month, we held our signature policy event of the year: NECEC’s Annual Legislative Roundup. Our state coordinators from across New England traveled to Boston for an engaging discussion...

NECEC’s fourth Emerging Trends Series panel of 2017 last week brought together a panel of business leaders and policymakers who offered perspectives on one of the fastest growing markets in...

Last week, more than 100 women from throughout New England  traveled to Kingston, Rhode Island for a panel discussion hosted by New England Women in Energy and the Environment, or...

Here at NECEC, our home state of Massachusetts proved itself a leader by embracing clean energy in last year's omnibus energy bill, which set out a series of procurements that...

As the summer heats up here in the Northeast, NECEC members are busy showing off the result of a busy spring with ribbon cuttings and celebrations of solar projects in...