BlueWave: Introducing High Schools to Clean Energy
A key piece of BlueWave’s anti-racist action plan is to take “immediate action to examine our hiring processes, pay equity, retention programs, professional training programs, and career trajectories to better recruit outstanding BIPOC and encourage, enable, and reward their success.” To do this work, the Social Impact Committee (SIC) and People Task Force spent time reviewing the current recruitment process for all positions, including co-ops and internships. The outcomes of this work included identifying opportunities to post full time positions that reach a broader audience, updating BlueWave’s Equal Employment Opportunity statement to make sure it communicates BlueWave’s values and commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and utilizing word deciphering tools to ensure job descriptions are not including bias or gender-coded language.
BlueWave also recognized that bringing more diversity into clean energy requires giving BIPOC students early exposure to career opportunities in the industry. BlueWave staff mentor high school and college students through partnerships with Enroot, American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE), Boston Private Industry Council (PIC), and Boston Green Academy. BlueWave hosted high school interns in 2021 and 2022, as well as held a virtual Job Shadow event with the focus of helping participants learn about the clean energy industry and the various roles that help BlueWave function.
BlueWave is proud to be one of the first green energy companies to partner with groups like Boston Private Industry Council and Boston Green Academy. Creating these opportunities has been a learning experience for BlueWave on how best to provide a valuable experience for the students participating. Thanks to the support from these organizations, BlueWave will continue to participate, with the hope that more companies in the industry will follow suit.
For more information contact Rachel Clogston at