4th Annual Boston Cleanweb Hackathon


Hosted by the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center in partnership with Greentown Labs, the Boston Cleanweb Hackathon is a weekend-long technology competition that brings together programmers, software developers, entrepreneurs, energy experts and thought leaders. Their challenge is to compete for cash prizes in a race to create user-friendly web and mobile applications designed to help consumers and businesses use energy and natural resources more efficiently.

For the past three years, the annual Boston Cleanweb Hackathon has spun out successful businesses including past winners Somerville-based Crowd Comfort, Boston-based WegoWise and Beverly-based Water Hero. Previous Hackathons have attracted more than 100 participants including technology developers, industry influencers, innovators, angel investors, venture capitalists and media.


The event begins on Friday evening with a team formation mixer and challenge presentations by event organizers. Starting Saturday morning, participants are given 30 hours to form teams and create an application that addresses energy, waste, water, transportation, food or other energy and sustainability issues using web, data analytics, and mobile technologies. On Sunday afternoon, winning teams are selected by a panel of judges drawn from industry experts, the regional business community and government leaders, and the Hackathon culminates with an award ceremony.


This year there is a new element to the Hackathon that will incorporate feedback from the global business community and local, state and regional governments. Participants will receive a complied list of critical needs and challenges facing these groups to give teams a jump start on idea generation. Please contact MassCEC for more details.


To register visit www.cleanwebboshack.eventbrite.com


To discuss sponsorship opportunities or for more information please contact Tom Reid - (617) 315-9316 / treid@masscec.com or Maeghan Lefebvre - (617) 315 9316 / mlefebvre@masscec.com. For information regarding media outreach and relations contact Matt Kakley at (617) 315-9339 / mkakley@masscec.com.


NECEC is a proud Partner of the 4th Annual Boston Cleanweb Hackathon!

Location: WeWork South Station, 745 Atlantic Ave, Boston, MA 02111

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