2015 RI Energy Forum
Sponsored by TEC-RI, the Forum will present the big picture to RI's Executive Management decision makers, so they understand the course they need to chart for their company to achieve energy cost savings. Thursday morning is designed for Executive Management attendance.
This event is by invitation only - please contact NECEC's Rhode Island State Coordinator Charity Pennock if you are interested in attending. Registration is available for Day 1 (April 2), Day 2 (April 3) and both days.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
8:00am Registration, Coffee & Light Snack
8:30 am Welcome to TACO, Inc.
John Hazen White Jr. and the White Family have built TACO, Inc. into a RI manufacturing success story. What you may not know is TACO has integrated energy saving and renewable energy technology into their business.
9:00 am Speaker of the Rhode Island House of Representatives, Representative Nicholas A. Mattiello
Speaker Mattiello will provide his top level insight into how the RI Legislature is doing what it can to address rising energy costs in Rhode Island. He also wants your input into what you think the legislature and administration should be doing to help you cope with your energy costs.
9:30 am New Energy Saving Opportunities - Dr. Marion Gold, Commissioner, Office of Energy Resources
Commissioner Marion Gold will discuss the OER goals and objectives in providing a cost effective energy system in Rhode Island, including: natural gas pipeline expansion, and longer financing mechanisms for energy efficiency and renewable energy opportunities.
10:00 am RI's Energy Picture - Tim Horan, RI President National Grid
The complexity of providing low cost energy solutions are challenging. Oil prices are up...oil prices are down...gas prices are down...gas prices are up. The balance of supply to meet the demands of business in Rhode Island continues to challenge us.
10:30 am Eric D. Johnson, Director External Affairs, ISO New England
In 1997 ISO New England (ISO) was created to operate a regional power system, implement wholesale markets and ensure open access to transmission lines. The challenges to supply natural gas to the region and RI is critical to businesses.
11:00 am TACO ... A Case Study
Norman Shardlow, facility manager at TACO, will explain their embrace of energy efficiency and renewable technology systems. We'll also hear from Richard Medairos talk about "chill beams".
11:30 am TACO, Inc. Tour
A tour of TACO's integrated energy efficiency and renewable systems.
12:00 pm Day One Ends
Purchasing & Facility Managers - Attend Friday, April 3
The Forum will also offer pragmatic solutions, so an energy savings program can be designed, implemented and financed, based on return of and on investment. Friday is designed to give purchasing and facility management the resources they need to proceed.
Friday, April 3, 2015
8:00 am Registration, Coffee & Light Snack
8:30 am Energy Forecast
9:45 am How to Buy Energy
10:00 am Break / Exhibitor Networking
10:30 am Energy Efficiency Programs
11:30 am Demand Response/ Demand Management
12:00 pm Lunch & Exhibitor Networking
1:30 pm Interconnection With the Grid
2:00 pm Technical Feasibility/Fatal Flaws
2:30 pm Renewable Energy Programs & Grants
3:00 pm Financial Feasibility - Tax Credits, Grants, Financing & Ownership
4:00 pm Extended Q & A
4:30 pm Day Two Ends
Sponsored By
The Energy Council of Rhode Island (TEC-RI)
Co-Sponsored By
RI Manufacturers Association (RIMA)
Institute of Supply Management Greater RI (ISMGRI)
In Conjunction With
Independent System Operator of NE (ISONE)
National Grid (NG)
NE Clean Energy Council (NECEC)
Office of Energy Resources (OER)
RI Commerce Corporation (Commerce RI)
Location: TACO, Inc., 1160 Cranston Street, Cranston, RI