Global Cleaner Production and Sustainable Consumption Conference

The Global Cleaner Production & Sustainable Consumption Conference is being designed to be holistic, integrative, trans-disciplinary, and trans-sectorial in nature. It will focus on strategic, and preventative concepts and approaches, which are being implemented to speed up the great transition to post-fossil carbon societies, and that are ecologically, ethically, socially, culturally, and economically sustainable.

During this conference, the participants will discuss theoretical and build upon practical concepts, methods, tools, policies, and examples being applied in different contexts (e.g. global warming, chemical pollution, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, water and food security, erosion of social systems, human population growth, and other sustainability challenges).

This Global Conference will catalyze dialogue among leaders from academia, industry, business, government, and non-governmental organizations, to accelerate the application of knowledge, experiences, and examples that are helping families, communities, cities, and regions to make the transition to dematerialized and post-fossil carbon societies. 


  • Modifying and replacing current paradigms and lifestyles with those that support transitions to sustainable and equitable societies
  • Transforming education to effectively develop and empower change agents and to foster the application of new sustainable societal paradigms, approaches, tools, and practices
  • Fostering development and application of innovative technologies, management approaches, tools, and educational initiatives to effectively address and combat climate change and to facilitate transitions to post-fossil carbon societies
  • Increasing efficiencies in the use of fossil fuels during the transition phases to societies based upon renewable energy systems
  • Changing business and organizational models to catalyze innovation, and to incorporate and embed sustainability into practices and cultures
  • Developing and implementing governmental policies to support transformations to post fossil carbon societies at local, national & global scales
  • Empowering and engaging all members of society in effecting the transitions
  • Assessing and communicating results of successful societal transition initiatives and thereby, obtain dynamic guidance for ongoing improvement at all societal levels
  • Transforming consumption and production to harmonize those activities to support sustainable societies, which must function within planetary boundaries
  • Fostering implementation of mitigation and adaptation approaches to prevent and minimize catastrophic climate change-related impacts, thereby enhancing societal resilience
  • Understanding and overcoming barriers to change to better facilitate transitions to sustainable, post-fossil carbon societies
  • Integrating theory and practice on a wide range of methodologies, policies and educational approaches for making societal transformations
  • Catalyzing the use of holistic and systems approaches to accelerate transitions to sustainable, post-fossil carbon societies
  • Respecting and building upon cultural diversity, equity and human rights in the paradigm and lifestyle changes to more sustainable societies

Workshops, simulations, games, demonstrations, exhibitions, knowledge cafés and other interactive tools will be used to empower participants to co-learn how to develop and adapt new approaches in diverse cultural contexts. These activities will also help people to develop new networks to collaborate and catalyze the transitions to post-fossil carbon societies.

Questions regarding the conference, volunteering and input may be submitted on the conference website.

Location: Sitges, Barcelona, Spain

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