E2Tech Expo: Playing Matchmaker- Aligning Energy Challenges with Compatible Policies

What are the most important energy challenges facing the State of Maine? What problems are we trying to solve and how do policy makers craft solutions to address the most critical issues?

Maine’s largest end-use for energy, and biggest consumption of oil, is in the transportation sector. Yet, we have no coordinated policy on reducing oil use or developing alternative fuels, vehicles, or infrastructure programs. Heating Maine’s homes and businesses is an annual challenge, yet we fret every winter to ensure that our most vulnerable stay warm. Maine also has the highest per capita energy usage in New England, but we don’t have a focused strategy for reducing oil dependence while increasing productivity. Maine’s businesses struggle to remain competitive with states have lower electricity, transportation, and heating costs. On the other hand, policymakers are asked to consider dozens of proposals annually to incentivize renewable electricity generation and promote energy efficiency. 

Are these the right priorities? What are the real problems to be solved? What are our energy goals? And, how do we get there? Today’s speakers are prepared to provide their thoughts on Maine’s greatest energy challenges and ask attendees for their potential policy solutions.

Speakers Include: 

  • Peter Mills- Executive Director, Maine Turnpike Authority
  • Timothy Schneider- Public Advocate, Maine Office of the Public Advocate

Register here.

Location: Bangor Savings Bank, 5 Senator Way, Augusta, Maine

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