150th New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable Gala-Symposium


Panel I: New England's Electricity "Restructuring" - Successes, Failures, and Where We Go Next? 

Prominent national/international experts, who have been involved with electric restructuring in New England from the beginning, reflect on what we have accomplished, where we may have fallen short, and where we should go from here.

  • Dr. Bill Hogan, Professor, Harvard Kennedy School
  • Dr. Susan Tierney, Principal, Analysis Group
  • Dr. Peter Fox-Penner, Professor, BU's Institute for Sustainable Energy 
  • Richard Cowart, Esq, Principal, Regulatory Assistance Project
  • John Howe, VP Public/Environmental Affairs, Ogin Energy


Panel II: Technologies That Could Transform New England's Electricity Systems and Markets

A forward-looking panel on some key technologies that could substantially change the way we produce and use electricity in New England over the next 20 years  - with enormous implications for our economy and environment.

  • Energy Storage: Commissioner Judith Judson, MA DOER
  • Industrial Internet: Maryrose Sylvester, President & CEO, GE Current
  • Electric Vehicles: Anthony Eggert, Director of Transportation, ClimateWorks
  • Off-Shore Wind: Thomas Brostrøm, Gen. Mgr. North America, DONG Energy, US


Special Keynote Speaker(s) are still under development - stay tuned! 


Learn more.


Location: Seaport Hotel, Boston

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